Monday, March 16, 2009

Consider me Boggled

Really, this mystifies me. This video, now known to political blog junkies everywhere, was a presentation from an Israeli defense contractor to India.

Not that I'm going to make any kind of commentary on it that hasn't already been made, but really, think on that for a second. Here's an example of a mercenary (near as I can tell, but I'm no expert, and furthermore, I wouldn't want to make political comments) selling its services to a sovereign nation via a crass amalgamation of cultural stereotypes all compressed into one bollywood-inspired music video complete with a whining, nasal Israeli woman pretending that she is an Indian damsel in distress. This has been diffused throughout the global community via posting on YouTube and subsequently on How many aspects of that are things that could only occur because of development in the world in the last, what, two years? Throw in a twitter page and you'll have a complete waltz into modernity. And yet all this is a means of selling a product that has been around in one manifestation or another since the beginning of human memory. Kinda boggles the mind, don't it?

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